Laboratory Oven

Meridian Laboratory Oven are equipments which are most widely used in industrial fields and which keep the temperature uniformly during certain time zone. There are Natural Circulation type and Fan Circulation type according to inner circulation method.
Operation Temp Range?
It indicates the common temperature range of Dry Oven. Therefore there are no problem even though customers use in a slightly higher Operation Temp Range. Customers can consider it as a standard temp range in viewpoint of usual tempCommon Dry Oven can occur diverse kinds of troubles such as chamber deformation due to heat shocking in case that it is used for a long time in over 200 ℃. SH-HFDO150 is completely suitable for high temp. drying of over 200℃ usage. SH-HFDO150W’s durability is excellent because it is designed under safety structure being suitable for high temperature maintenance and temperature rising