SUNDOO Torque Tester SDT

SDT Torque Tester

The SDT line of specialized testing equipment is used to examine different types of torsion springs, Scollwork Reeds, and other elastic objects. The torsion and angle are shown in digital form, which is precise and easy to understand. Additionally, the torsion sensor has an automatic correction feature for deformation and twisting angle. The card cores are easily inserted and have basic equipment.

  • Image element liquid crystal display at 320×240; Peak holding and auto-releasing function: Peak value in test is caught and held, peak holding time is adjustable (1-99 seconds);
  • Power off time (1-99 minutes) can be freely configured for the automatic power off function. Comparing function: The gadget can judge the measured result as Go (Green pilot lamp)/NG (Red pilot lamp) based on the initial input of the tolerance limit (Max/Min);
  • Automatic conversion of the three units N.m(,, and; Printing the testing curve and the analysis report for the ten sets of tested data within the printer;
  • RS-232C output: RS-232C output links to external equipment and can communicate data from tests to computers for appropriate processing using a corresponding CD.