Welcome to our cutting-edge Testing Services, where precision and reliability meet excellence. At Obsnap Testing, we deliver trusted results. Count on Obsnap testing for accurate insights and compliance solutions.

Our company
Over the years, we have grown to be an established service and supply company, meeting our customers needs and demands through our expertly trained sales and engineering team. We have work together with our customers from various manufacturing industries such as automation, electronics, plastics, stamping, food, pharmaceutical and other related engineering field. Our vision is to be the lead of innovative test solution provider in the market.
Why us?

We are seasoned technical people with over 20 years of experience who know the working principle of the equipment to provide accurate calibration service.

A Comprehensive Testing Certificate with Testing results, the acceptance criteria as per requested.

Proven quality services with fair pricing, coupled with dedicated professional consultation to meet clients’ needs.

Our company prides itself on delivering timely and reliable testing results, ensuring a swift turnaround time that meets your schedule and exceeds your expectations.
Industries served
Our client
The quality of a material going into a manufactured product is as important as the reliability of the production process. Materials testing helps us to understand and quantify whether a specific material or treatment is suitable for a particular application.
With the wide variety of materials and treatments available in the marketplace, testing can help narrow down the choices to the most appropriate selection for the intended use. For many industry applications, testing is performed to certify material to a given standard or specification, or to verify that it meets other stringent criteria before it is put into use.
Materials Testing is performed for a variety of reasons and can provide a wealth of information about the tested materials, prototypes or product samples. The data collected during testing and the final test results can be very useful to engineers, designers, production managers and others.
Here are some of the reasons material testing is important:
- Meeting requirements of regulatory agencies
- Selecting appropriate materials and treatments for an application
- Evaluating product design or improvement specifications
- Verifying a production process
At times, governments and regulatory agencies set the standard that firms must meet. Manufacturers are required to follow these standards, which are often specified test procedures, to demonstrate agreement. Many times, a product is utilised in critical applications where a failure could cause damage and injury that could be dangerous, such as manufactured items and parts that play an important role in reactors, and sometimes medical implantation.
Manufacturers can ensure that their goods conform to some international test standards, such as IS, BIS, ISO, ASTM, DIN, and so on, in addition to following a process or procedure to test a material or a product. This is one of the finest techniques to ensure that the material and product are of high quality. Regulatory authorities also require that products be tested in accordance with standards before they can be released to the public.
Our lead time is 5 working days.
- Range & Capacity
- Acceptance Criteria (Eg : Visual inspection, Pass/Fail)
- Standard test method (if appliance)