Obsnap is an equal-opportunity employer; we believe in our people.

If you are talented, driven, and believe you can contribute in any of the following areas, we invite you to join our team.

We are committed to Total Quality as a way of ensuring both customer and employee satisfaction.

You can submit your job application here (Google Form)

Job Scope Job Position [Vacancy]
Business Development Sales & Application Engineer [Full Time]
Calibration Strategist [Full Time]
Administration / Accounts Admin Assistant [Full Time]
Accounting Students [Internship]
Multimedia IT Engineer [Internship]
Copy Writer [Internship]
Multimedia Graphic Designer [Internship]
Technical Service Assistant Service Engineer [Full Time]
Service Engineer [Internship]
Service Technician [Internship]

 Location with Available Vacancy:

Anywhere outside of Malaysia are only subject to Sales & Application Engineer posts.


  • Penang,
  • Subang Jaya,
  • Puchong
  • Kuala Lumpur

  • Jakarta

Successful candidates can expect a competitive remuneration package comprising basic salary, benefits and achievement-based variables.

Competitive opportunities and partnership-sharing based commissions are offered to all staff.

For any enquiries, you can e-mail: [email protected]

Staff Feedback

Obsnap Instrument

Kan Yean Thoong, Multimedia Marketer, Obsnap Instruments

I learnt about the importance of Quality Control & Assurance and how our products could assist with the reduction of production cost and environmental wastage.

The staff are friendly and are also advocates of growth, progress, and results. Obsnap is a growing company and it is a working environment in which people can gain experience or develop their expertise.

Jocelyn Ng, HR & Accounts Manager, Obsnap Instruments

We are expanding but we often face shortage of manpower. I am fortunate to have a committed team that persevere. We nurture the team & strive for excellence.

We also encourage people from various backgrounds to work together and build a more effective financial management for the company.

 Yeoh Swann Poh, Admin Manager Obsnap Instruments

I have grown with Obsnap ever since i joined them in the year 2003.

With the staff’s dedication & hard-work, we have overcome many challenges during the tough times and come out stronger.

“In Obsnap, everyone grows together for a better tomorrow.”

Victor Equipments Resources

Samson Chung Tun Shin, Sales Manager, Victor Equipments Resources

I joined Obsnap as a fresh graduate in 1997 with no working experience. I can still remember very clearly that I was very glad to be given the opportunity to join the sales team even though my interview performance was very bad.

Obsnap always stresses on good personal attitude instead of work capability. Obsnap believes that any knowledge and skills can be acquired as long as a person has the right attitude.

JS Analytical

Joe Yen Then Pau, Sales Manager, JS Analytical

I joined Obsnap as a sales engineer in year 1997. Obsnap has a strong belief in being an accountable, professional organization, we must equip ourselves with specialized industry & product knowledge, customer application and know the inside-out for the equipment as well as offering the right solution to our customer.

Obsnap is a great company and has helped me grown to become a true professional and transform me into a top salesman. The thing I love the most here is the people. You are not alone when dealing with challenges, here, we work as a team.

Obsnap Calibration

Cheng Kam Seng, Chief Technical Officer, Obsnap Calibration

In Obsnap, the management believes and emphasizes on the concept of family whereby we are here as a family and you never work alone. We believe by working in this environment, with the same notion, we can work towards making the impossible become “i-am-possible”.

Natalie Rozario, Calibration Strategist, Obsnap Calibration

My journey at Obsnap has been an exciting one! I was initially hired to be an admin assistant and I have been given the opportunity to grow in the company. I have also been promoted to a calibration strategist.

Intern Feedback


Rachel Sequerah, Science in Psychology, SEGi College Subang Jaya

Working at Obsnap is a great pleasure and privilege as I am surrounded by a diverse team of intelligent and friendly people. Obsnap allows me the opportunity to grow and develop with a chance to learn how to think outside the box and find new ways to achieve good results. It is without a doubt a great working environment to start your working career.

Amelia Kong, Graphic Design, SEGi College Subang Jaya

I enjoyed working in this company during my internship period. I was able to apply the knowledge from my studies on the work that my supervisor passed to me. My colleagues are kind and helpful. I learned new designing skills and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) from my supervisor in this company. Thank you.

Dostan Irbatyrov, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, SEGi College Subang Jaya

I work as a service engineer while assisting in assembling tensile machines. Working at Obsnap is a privilege as I am surrounded by a team of friendly and professional people. Obsnap devotes its talent and technology to creating superior products and services that contribute to a better global society. To achieve this, Obsnap sets a high standard on its employees and technologies.

Jancy A/P Letchumanan, Mass Communication, SEGi College Subang Jaya

My 12 weeks of internship in OBSNAP was great. I was exposed to real working experience and conditions, just like how I was taught in college. I have gained some insights of a marketing role, assisting with event management and many forms of multimedia tasks. With the assistance and guidance of my friendly supervisor, I was able to learn and complete my tasks assigned. I’m blessed to have such an approachable supervisor and not forgetting the other staff as each of them is like a family more than just colleagues. I’m sure that anyone who has worked here will never neglect the fact that there are friendly people here in OBSNAP. I believe that the knowledge and experience gained from this company will help me when I further my degree later, as it corresponds to my field of study and interest.

Ng Yu Zhe, Business Management (BABM), SEGi College Subang Jaya

In this three months, I gained new knowledge and experience from the company. Everyone here was kind and friendly to help me out when I got work that I not familiar with. Lastly, I really enjoyed working in this company during this period.

Wong Yi Jian, B.ENG (Hons) Automotive Engineering, SEGi College Subang Jaya

While working at Obsnap Instruments, I have learned how to assembling and set up the tensile machines. The colleagues at Obsnap Instruments is very friendly, the working environment is very comfortable. I have gain lots of precious working experiences during my internship period at Obsnap Instruments.

Lee Keng Kiat, Diploma In Psychology, SEGI College Subang Jaya

During these 10 weeks working at Obsnap, I have learned about how to manage a company as a Human Resources Department. I am glad to join with this Obsnap group and all the colleagues are friendly and feels comfortable to work with this group. I have also gain a lot of knowledge during these internship period and it is a well experience to work in this group.

Lee Sher Men, Mass Communication, SEGi College Subang Jaya

Throughout my 3-month tenure in Obsnap, there is a sense of camaraderie and connection among the staff; everyone is accepted into the Obsnap family. The tasks and jobs handed to me, I take them openly, gaining experience and exposure in the Quality Control industry. The mistakes I made, I learnt from the wise counsel of my supervisor Ms. Kan and the CEO himself Mr. Ng. I’ve learned what it means to be a small, but significant part in a company’s grand vision to thrive.

Ling Wang Ching, Mass Communication, SEGi College Subang Jaya

During these three months, I gained new knowledge and experience that will not be taught in university. At the same time, I learned to grow from my work mistakes. I am glad to have a good boss and a good supervisor. Furthermore, Obsnap Group is like a big family. Every employee in the company is friendly and willing to help me with work that I am not familiar with. The company is constantly advocating the positive energy mentality of “Everything can be possible” and strengthen environmental protection awareness.Lastly, big thanks to everyone for the enjoyment and experience, added as another piece of my life.

Hoo Yue Sam, Business & Marketing Management, SEGi College Subang Jaya

I gained a lot knowledge and experiences in this company during the 3 months internship period. I appreciated to my boss Mr Ng and my supervisor Mr Samson by teach me a lot in the company. I was glad working in Obsnap Group because every colleagues was friendly and willing to help me if I have any difficulties. Lastly, I was enjoyed working in this company. Thank you.

Jacob Ling Xian Zhi, B.ENG(Hons) Automotive Engineering, SEGi College Subang Jaya

While interning at Obsnap instrument (3 month) provided me with valuable hands-on experience and a better idea about what knowledge areas and skills I should attach more importance and make further improvement to in my further studies.



Eliya Nabila Binti Firhat, Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Teknikal Malysia Melaka (UTEM)

Working at Obsnap is a great pleasure because I am surrounded by a helpful team of friendly people. Besides that, I am able to apply the knowledge from my studies on the work that my supervisor gave me. I learned a lot of things and gain more knowledge in here that I can apply in future. Thank you.

Noor Syakila Zulkifli,Electrical Engineering Technology(HONS) Power Industry, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)

The industrial training under Obsnap Instruments Sdn Bhd is all in one experience. I learnt a lot of stuff in my field and out of my field. Its more to gain than it is to lose. I developed and enhanced the soft skills especially when conducting troubleshooting and servicing measuring equipment. I learned how to apply my knowledge on strength of equipment that I have learned in college.

Damian Gerald, Bachelor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Industrial Electronics), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)

I would like to thank you for providing me with an invaluable learning experience during my time at Obsnap automation and testing sdn bhd as an Intern. It has been a pleasure to work with the staff, and I have gained much practical knowledge about the industry and Business in electrical engineering.

Nur Syahirah Mohd Shah, Electronic Engineering,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)

I work as an intern placed in Technical Department here in Obsnap Instruments Sdn.Bhd. I have been given tasks outside of my job scope from my supervisor and Head of Department, because of this I am blessed with the opportunities to gain more knowledge and experience. Besides that, my fellow colleagues who were friendly and helpful have made my days at work less stressful. Thank you.

Yong Choy Kuan, Computer Science in Computer Networking,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)

My internship in Obsnap is working as an IT support. Throughout my 6-month being an intern student, I have learn things and being expose to a working environment by CEO of ObsnapGroup, Mr. Ng. He is a good supervisor that coach not just in IT but at the same time he also concentrate in my soft skills like what is the word that I should use when communicate with people. After my internship, now I’m become a permanent staff that welcome in ObsnapGroup.


Nurul Fadhilah Bt Mohd Yusof , Applied Physics, University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

My scope of job in Obsnap Calibration is related to my course which is applied physics. I have learned how to calibrate the equipment which include the theory that also include calculation. Furthermore, this company enable to adapt the ability in working condition which is good because I never worked in my scope before this. It’s also helps me manage my time more punctual and learn new knowledge.

Zulfa ‘Izzati Binti Zulhazmi, Applied Physics, University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

The industrial training under Obsnap Instruments Sdn Bhd giving me lots of unexpected experience beyond my scope of study. I learnt a lot of stuff that are related to my field and either out of the field. This company providing a lots of knowledge and information while I am having my internship here. I developed and enhanced the soft skills especially in when explaining and understanding most of the measuring equipment here. I learned how to apply my knowledge and soft skill while having some conversation and talks with the staff and customer.

Nurmawaddah Balqish Binti Amran, Applied Physics,
University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

I did my internship in Obsnap Calibration department FPT lab. Obsnap Calibration gave me good opportunities to apply all the theory that I’ve learned before which is calibrating the instruments and I’m thankful about it. I learn and adapt with working environment within this 6months with the company that really suits to my study. Also, I learnt how to be more tolerant with people who I am working with and also to be punctual.


Mohamed Khaled Mohamed Albuzedi, IT Networking,
UNITAR International University

Obsnap provided me a tremendous opportunity to apply and to practice the materials I have learned in the graduate program while learning new skills that will help me in my future career. It was incredible to work in this friendly environment. Additionally, the Obsnap staff works extremely hard to individualize the experience for each graduate student and provide them with training geared toward their interests.


Amirul Syafiq Bin Abu Bakar, University OF Kuala Lumpur

The industrial training under the Victor Manufacturing team provided interesting knowledge and concept of how Universal Tensile Machine works. I developed and enhanced the soft skills especially when conducting material testing. The working environment in this company gives new experiences and additional knowledge regarding material testing engineering industry. Although the material engineering and aviation industry is not much different, it is a great opportunity and exposure to be accepted as a trainee in Obsnap. This company has enabled the trainees to link theory with practice and acquire practical skills to meet the Industrial demands.


Mohamad Yusoff bin Ahmad,
Politeknik Muadzam Shah

Obsnap has given me the chances to implement and practice most of the syllabus I have experienced in my studies. At the same time, Obsnap taught me new skills and knowledge which are very useful in the future. My superiors and colleagues helped me a lot during this internship and gave me a great experience and the exposure of working in the field. I would like to say thank you very much to Obsnap.


Yap Kah Wee, Diploma in Information Technology, INTI University College

Working at Obsnap was an interesting and valuable experience as it made me step out of my comfort zone and face new challenges. Because of this, I was able to learn many practical skills that are necessary in today’s working environment. The staff are all friendly and willing to help whenever I had questions. After this experience, I am glad to say that I had my internship in a company as ambitious as Obsnap.

Lai Jun Hau, Diploma in Communication & Technology, INTI University College

Working in this company has benefited me a lot. This experience is very important to me. I have learned a lot from my supervisor, especially the work attitude needed to handle various challenges. My colleagues treat me very kindly and was very patient in helping me learn. I really enjoyed working in this company.

Chan Wei Ran, Diploma in Communication & Technology, INTI University College

During my 3 months of internship in Obsnap group, it was an interesting experience here. After I joined the company, I have realised that even if the company is small, the people who are in the company are working hard as they have to handle multiple tasks, and they will try their best to achieve their goals and enjoy their job even if they may fail. I have seen their fighting spirit and that spirit has motivated me. The working environment here is friendly. Although there are times that I have to face challenges in order to complete my job, but it was fun and enjoyable working here. Not only am I using the skills that I have learned from my studies, I also gained new knowledge and experiences that will not be taught in college. Lastly, I hope that future staff will also have as good of an experience as me.


Aida Syafina, Diploma in Electrical Engineering ( Communication), Politeknik Shah Alam

During my 20 weeks internship programme at Obsnaps Instruments, I really learn a lot of new things and I am able to improve my soft skills. The working environment also really great and all the staffs were really helpful and friendly. Other than that, I also learn many new knowledge and skills that I never knew before. I am really grateful to have my internship programme at this company because it leads me to have a great experience and I really learn a lot. Thank you.



Yeoh Sin Yee, Economics in Finance, Xiamen University Malaysia

My internship experience in Obsnap Group was great! My superior Mr Ng, allows me to explore my new ability and provide me with full freedom to complete the tasks he passed to me. I was able to learn a lot about the industry and put my knowledge learnt into use during my internship period. The most inspiring experience during my internship was to see everyone in the company to work as a team to contribute their parts to the company. After completing the internship, I’ve continued with my studies and upon graduation, I am lucky enough to be contacted by Mr Ng to join the company as a permanent staff. Now, I am working as a business development executive in Obsnap International, one of the subsidiaries under Obsnap Group. I am grateful to be able to join this team once again and to contribute to the company.

Ery Wong Wey Chuan, Diploma in Psychology, Xiamen University Malaysia

Hey people. I just want to share my experience working in Obsnap Instruments as intern engineering for 10 weeks. First and foremost, I felt like the working environment is very chill as all of the colleagues are very nice and helpful. If you have any problem, just ask for help. Then, working as an intern here, I learned something out from the box. Other than what should I learn as an engineer, I also learned some from the business field such as how to start a business. Finally, I used to have daily meeting with my supervisor that really lead me to the objective. Hence, I won’t loss my direction and dragged the tasks. It was a short time for internship program but I definitely have a good time.


Tengku Aidi Zalkri, The Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute (UniKL BMI)

While undergoing industrial training at Victor Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, I can add useful knowledge after working in a good company and in a positive work environment. This gave me a lot of good insights and experiences as I was exposed to the real work environment. The experience can be used in the future. With this experience, I can get ideas on how to plan my careers better after graduation. After 24 weeks of training, I learn a variety of academic and non-academic knowledge. At Victor Manufacturing, I can add more skills in terms of technical skills, soft skills and others. In term of technical skill, I learn a lot on how to install, repair, troubleshoot and service Universal Testing Machine (UTM).  In terms of soft skills, I can learn how to socialize and communicate with people around them. To be an engineer, good communication skills are very important to communicate with customers. Social skills are also important because it can be used to communicate and interact with each other.

Wafiy Osman, Bachelor of Electronic Engineering Technology with Honours, Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute (UniKL BMI)

My internship has given me the opportunity to see so much more about the Engineering business than I am able to learn in the classroom. I have developed many skills and have a much greater concept of what to expect after college. Thank you Mr. Ng Shone Fone, I am very grateful for all your willingness to teach me, you are very kind and great leader and I think my learning here very valuable as most of my friends internship experience is just the same as operator level, while here i get to experience engineer level where we communicate directly with the customer and be a problem solver for them. Not to forget all the staff in Obsnap Instruments many thanks to you all. Great worth experience for growth and excellent working environment. Thank you so much. We can work very hard but maintain healthy is essential.


Hew Chee Wern, Bachelor in Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Honours, UCSI University

I am an intern from UCSI working as a Metrology and Testing Engineer in OBSNAP Instruments for the past 3 months. The working in OBSNAP is full of challenges and new things, but it was fun and enjoyable. OBSNAP had provided me a great opportunity to learn and practice my skills that were not taught in the university, such as Sales & marketing, video shooting and editing. I also gained a great experience and the exposure of working in the field of metrology and materials testing. I had the opportunity to learn and hand on practice with different instruments and machinery like coating thickness gauge, metal detector, VMS and more. I believe these knowledges will be very helpful in my future career. Besides, the working environment and the colleagues here are very nice and friendly. During my 3 months of internship in OBSNAP, my superiors and colleagues helped me a lot. I wish to express my gratitude to everyone. Thank you for their guidance and support, especially my supervisors, Mr Ng and Mr On. I really enjoyed working in this company.

Fenny Tan Khe Ping, Bachelor (Honours) Accounting & Finance, UCSI University

I am an intern from UCSI and I very appreciate that Obsnap provided me with an invaluable learning experience during three months. In this internship, I had learned a lot about Accounting knowledge, like how to do the full set account, how to use the Autocount software to issue the financial document such as invoice, payment voucher and others that were not taught in University.
At lastly, I am very grateful to my supervisor, Ms. Jocelyn, for her patience and willingness to teach me that I can quickly to adapt to the working environment.


Aravin Kumar S/O Puventhran, Bachelor Degree in E-Business & Technology Management, YPC International College

My internship at Obsnap instruments SDN BHD provided me a better knowledge and beneficial me a lot. I had learned how to do a project within a given period. Furthermore, I improved my knowledge in designing catalogues by using Indesign software which was a great challenge to me too. I also coached one of new intern on how to design a catalogue and it makes me very confident on my job and skills.

Although it was on EMCO, I had the chance to work at office for only five days, but those five days gave me a feel in working with a wonderful environment. My industrial supervisor is super patience and willing to show me the path to amend my weakness. These 3 months internship was a short period, I had learned many beneficial knowledge and this industry occupies much of friendly employees and coolest too. I had a friendly, understanding and coolest supervisor for my internship in this industry. I have gained much knowledge for my upcoming future from supervisor, seniors and CEO.

Monash University

Dinara Sesathi , International Business Management and Strategic Marketing, Monash University

As an international student from Monash University, majoring in International Business Management and Strategic Marketing, securing the right internship was not an easy task. The search came with its fair share of challenges, uncertainty, and moments of self-doubt. But when I was selected for an internship at Doerpreneur Soft under the guidance of Mr. Shone, it felt like the perfect opportunity one that I was both thrilled and grateful to receive.

From day one, I was welcomed into an environment that encouraged learning, innovation, and hands-on experience. I wasn’t just an intern completing routine tasks, I was entrusted with meaningful responsibilities that challenged me to think critically and grow beyond my limits. Under Mr. Shone’s mentorship, I gained invaluable insights into the industry, honed my strategic thinking skills, and learned the true essence of teamwork and adaptability.

This internship was not just about acquiring technical knowledge; it was a transformational journey that shaped my confidence and professional outlook. The experiences I gathered, the skills I refined, and the challenges I overcame have all contributed to my growth in ways I never imagined. I am incredibly grateful to Doerpreneur Soft and Mr. Shone for their unwavering support, guidance, and trust in my abilities. This opportunity has been a defining milestone in my journey, and I will carry these lessons with me as I step into the next phase of my career.

Thank you for making this experience so impactful and unforgettable!


Nurul Fakhira Afza binti Mohd Padzli, Bachelor of Applied Science in Material Technology, UMPSA

I am Nurul Fakhira Afza binti Mohd Padzli, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to intern at Victor Manufacturing from August 2024 to January 2025 as part of my Bachelor of Applied Science in Material Technology at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA).

Throughout my internship, I was actively involved in material testing services, particularly mechanical testing using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM). I learned to interpret various test standards, prepare test reports, and create marketing content related to Victor’s testing services. Additionally, I gained experience in customer engagement, helping with machine demonstrations
and assisting in catalog and quotation preparation.

The supportive work environment at Victor Manufacturing made this experience invaluable. The team provided guidance and encouragement, allowing me to develop both technical and professional skills. I had the chance to apply my academic knowledge in a real-world setting while also gaining insights into business practices and customer relations.

This internship has significantly enhanced my understanding of material testing and strengthened my confidence in handling technical and marketing tasks. I highly recommend this internship to students who wish to gain hands-on experience in material testing and industrial practices.

Thank you, Victor Manufacturing, for this enriching journey.