With low new cases recently, Malaysia is recovering. But still we are not safe yet until vaccine is found. Thus precautious steps like social distancing, wearing mask, and frequently washing hands need to continue on. But is it enough? By understanding how the virus spreads other than person to person transmission, you can take the right steps so you can help stop the spreading in your workplace.
HOW COVID19 SPREAD? It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. COVID-19 can live for hours or days on a surface, depending on factors such as sunlight, humidity, and the type of surface. Disinfection chamber helps limit opportunities to come in contact with contaminated surfaces/clothings.
HOW VICTOR DISINFECTION CHAMBER HELP TO STOP THE SPREAD? Disinfection chamber purposes is to help disinfect 99.99% virus and bacteria on your body surface and clothings only. It will not kill the virus within your body.
Just like washing your hands in order to wash away the contamination on your hands, this disinfection chamber help to disinfect the contamination on your body surface and clothings.
IS THE CHEMICAL SAFE ON HUMAN? We are using Hypochlorus solution (HOCL) as the disinfectant. It is proven can kill 99.99% bacteria and virus and is 100% safe for human skin, eyes and mouth. The HOCL solution is non-toxic, non-alcohol, near pH neutral acid, industrial food grade disinfectant which is approved by FDA and also Japan Ministry of Health. Plus it is 50 times better effectiveness than Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach).
WHAT IS YOUR ROLE DURING THIS CRISIS? Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting ourselves, our family, and our community. Your role is to help stop the virus from spreading between your colleagues and employees. It is your job to make everyone safe and feel safe while working. And Victor Disinfection Chamber will help you do just that!
CONTACT US NOW FOR INQUIRY SAMSON [email protected] 0123312576
Brought to you by, Victor Equipments Resources Sdn Bhd (1021443-H)
